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44 West 28th Street, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10001
United States of America

Founded in 2002, Reboot engages and inspires young, Jewishly-unconnected cultural creatives, innovators and thought-leaders who, through their candid and introspective conversations and collaboration, generate projects that impact both the Jewish and non-Jewish worlds. 

Partner With Us

Learn what it means to partner with Reboot and receive tools, conversation guides, lesson plans and more to help enrich your Jewish programming.

Become a partner

“Reboot consistently provides fresh ways of thinking about Jewish holidays and traditions.” -  JCC Educator

Over 1,250 organizations have partnered with Reboot to find new pathways into Jewish ideas and rituals. Our partners span the spectrum from synagogues of all denominations, Hillels, new DIY communities, museums and cultural centers, Moishe Houses, JCCs, schools, summer camps and more. As a partner, you can enrich your programming by creating unique Jewish experiences with the help of our resources, DIY tools, and curriculums.

Our resources are tried and tested by our program team and communities around the country, and they come complete with DIY toolkits, lesson plans, marketing tools and more. We believe in the idea of providing “tools and not rules” - all of our projects are adaptable and should be authentic to your community. All of our resources are free and Reboot staff are available to discuss the most effective ways to implement Rebootʼs projects in your community.

Learn about some of our core programs below, and sign up to stay updated!

Reflect. React. Renew. 10 Days. 10 Questions. In a modern day twist encouraging personal reflection during the 10 days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, 10Q will email you a question a day. You send your final answers to the secure online 10Q vault and they are returned to you one year later.

Students report that they see the Holidays as more personally meaningful, rather than just an obligation. They also say that they feel more ownership over their practice and engagement with the holidays. - Hillel Director

The way we die is the most important conversation Americans are not having. We’re transforming it into one of deep insight and empowerment.

“People really did share and were vulnerable, and that part was great - to see that it’s possible even with total strangers.” Event Participant

Six Word Postcard.jpg

“Chosen for something, not sure What.” “Everything a question with us. Why?” Six-Word Memoirs on the Jewish Life offers thousands of ways of looking at Judaism, six words at a time.

'Suspended disbelief for the bar mitzvah.'
'Tikkun Olam is my raison d’être.'
'Real bagels don’t have jalapeño peppers.'
'Skiing? A person could get hurt.'
'I’m the are you.'
- Jweekly

stay up to date on new projects, resources and tools for all facets of jewish life - including passover, the high holidays and more.

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Click To See Some More of Our Partners

14th Street Y
Addison-Penzak JCC of Silicon Valley
Ask Big Questions
Base Hillel
Beacon Hebrew Alliance
Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice
Brooklyn Boulders
Career Up
Columbia/Barnard Hillel
Congregation Rodef Sholom, San Rafael CA
Contemporary Jewish Museum, San Francisco CA
Council of American Jewish Museums
Digital Detox
Diller Teen Fellows Program
East Side Jews - SIJCC
Eser, Hebrew College
Foundation for Jewish Camp
Hillel 818
Hillel at Baruch College
Hillel of Metro Detroit
Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life
Hofstra University Hillel
Honeymoon Israel
Institute for Jewish Spirituality
Israeli American Council
Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island
Jewish Arts Collaborative, Boston, MA
Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
Jewish Community Center of San Francisco
Jewish Community Centers of Greater Boston
Jewish Community Centers of North America
Jewish Culture Festival/ Cheder Café, Krakow, Poland
Jewish Federations of North America
Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan
Maryland Hillel
Masa Israel
Milwaukee Jewish Federation
Mishkan Chicago
Moishe House and MHWOW
New Shul, New York, NY
Osher Marin JCC
Oxy Hillel
Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies
PJ Library
Repair the World
Rodeph Shalom, New York, NY
ROI Community
Sinai Temple, Los Angeles, CA
Sixth & I Historic Synagogue
Skirball Cultural Center, Los Angeles CA
The Tanger Hillel at Brooklyn College
Temple Emanuel, San Francisco, CA
Temple Micah, Washington DC
The Australasian Union of Jewish Students
The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles
The Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit
The Jewish Museum, New York NY
Trybal Gatherings
UCLA Hillel
UJA-Federation of New York
Union for Reform Judaism
United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
United Synagogue Youth
Urban Adamah
USC Hillel
Washington DCJCC
Workmen’s Circle

Have more questions? Email our Outreach and Partnership Manager Josh Kanter at for more information.

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