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44 West 28th Street, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10001
United States of America

Founded in 2002, Reboot engages and inspires young, Jewishly-unconnected cultural creatives, innovators and thought-leaders who, through their candid and introspective conversations and collaboration, generate projects that impact both the Jewish and non-Jewish worlds. 

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Reboot envisions powerful creative arts and cultural experiences – drawn from the rich treasures of Judaism – transforming, inspiring and rekindling Jewish connections and meaning in our day-to-day lives.

As a premier R&D platform in the Jewish world, Reboot touches lives by engaging the most talented community of creatives to design, produce and share with the world enticing, imaginative, memorable and experiential projects and programs that are relevant for the 21st century. These projects include: the National Day of Unplugging, 10Q, Death Over Dinner - Jewish Edition, Silver Screen Studios, The Kibitz, Beyond BubbieUnscrolled, the Sabbath Manifesto, Sukkah City, the DAWN Festival, East Side Jewsthe Idelsohn Society of Musical Preservation, and more! 

Over the last five years:

  • Over 4 million people have participated in our digital programs

  • 1,250 organizations have partnered with Reboot, inspiring more than 3,500 events and engaging more than 750,000 people

  • 1.4 million unique visitors have traveled to our website

  • Over 60,000 have made contributions of content to these projects

Press For Reboot

Contact: Tanya Schevitz, Chief Innovation and Communications Officer 

Reboot Studies

Making Jewish My Own:  Rebooters on Reboot

Published 2015

This 2014 network-wide study explored the value of the Reboot network and community for network members and sought to understand changes in members Jewish lives as a result of Reboot's programs and projects. 


Community Partner Organization Evaluation: Executive Summary

Published 2015

Reboot embarked on a three-year evaluation (2014-2017) of its core programming. The following summarizes the top-level results and findings from the first set of data collection and analysis completed by Innovation Network, Inc. The data shows that Reboot programs indeed offer new ways for people to make Jewish tradition their own and it is through Reboot’s programs that community partner organizations are better able to provide their constituents with new pathways to Jewish life. 


Published 2015

In 2015, Reboot, Righteous Persons Foundation, and IDEO congregated with a group of filmmakers, rabbis, writers, scholars, photographers, musicians, philosophers and policy makers on a journey of “Redesigning Jewishness.” 

What emerged was the Re/Book, a design thinking manifesto---outlining six core values and user case studies---for the development of new products and projects that reimagine Jewish lives full of meaning, creativity, and joy.

Network Evaluation Summary Report

Published 2012

The purpose of this evaluation was to evaluate the Reboot network and explore how Reboot can manage its continuing evolution to achieve increased impact in years to come. 

Latte Report

Published 2006

Jewish Identity and Community in a Time of Unlimited Choices: This study delves deeply into the mindset of a Jewish cohort that feel largely positive about their Jewish identities but are unsure as to how their religious identities play out in their daily lives.

OMG! How Generation Y is Redefining Faith in the iPod Era

Published 2005

A unique survey examining issues of identity, community, and meaning, from Catholic, Protestant, Jewish and Muslim youth, ages 18-25, across racial and ethnic lines. The findings also represent a snapshot of tomorrow, a glimpse of what may happen when Generation Y matures to the peak of its member’s participatory experiences.


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