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44 West 28th Street, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10001
United States of America

Founded in 2002, Reboot engages and inspires young, Jewishly-unconnected cultural creatives, innovators and thought-leaders who, through their candid and introspective conversations and collaboration, generate projects that impact both the Jewish and non-Jewish worlds. 




We’re excited to be rolling out a handful of new podcasts created by some of the most talented comedians, writers, rabbis and producers around. Learn more, take a listen and subscribe today!


In Quarantine

with Steve Bodow

A twice-weekly series of funny and revealing 10-minute conversations between some of America's least house-leaving artists and thinkers, and 14-time Emmy-winning former Daily Show executive producer Steve Bodow. Offering a quick hit of connection, In Quarantine is about how creative people are living, personally and professionally, in this very weird time.


Two brothers, a rabbi and a comedian, try to figure out how to do Judaism during a pandemic. See if you can figure out who’s who.

Hosted by Moshe & Rabbi David Kasher.


Inspired and motivated by quarantine conversations with her 99-year-old grandmother Lucille, actress Jessie Kahnweiler sets out to talk to everyone else's Bubbe and Zayde on Closening, the true leaders of the Jewish tribe to bring us all closer in these times of isolation. Communal suffering, epic uncertainty, and fighting to see the light in total darkness: sounds like a Jewish podcast to us.


Your hilarious and insightful guide to Jewish ideas and culture. Join journalist Dan Crane and comedian Jessica Chaffin (Ronna & Beverly) as they explore activism, Jewish atheism, anti-semitism, love, sex, comedy, death and more with guests like David Wain, David Baddiel, Rabbi Sharon Brous, the Sklar Brothers, Tiffany Shlain, Moshe Kasher, Joel Stein and many others.

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