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44 West 28th Street, 8th Floor
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Founded in 2002, Reboot engages and inspires young, Jewishly-unconnected cultural creatives, innovators and thought-leaders who, through their candid and introspective conversations and collaboration, generate projects that impact both the Jewish and non-Jewish worlds. 

Reboot Gives Light for Hanukkah


Reboot Gives Light for Hanukkah

Shane Hankins

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For Hanukkah 2017, we gave light.

Give Light re-imagines the concept of gift giving during Hanukkah as a time for tikkun olam. The initiative asks people to consider how and why they "give light" to others this season. 

What does it mean to "give light."

It means giving time, talents, thoughts or money to causes you believe in. It may mean speaking up to injustice, supporting a friend or loved one in need - or something completely unique to you. 

This past Hanukkah season, we had 109 Give Light events across the country with 7,411 participants giving light to a person or cause. We spread Give Light from New York to Los Angeles. 

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Six Word Memoir Postcard on Light (1).jpg

One of the resources available in Give Light programs - our Six-Word cards specifically developed for Light and Hanukkah.

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Our Give Light board in action - filled with intentions for supporting people and causes during the Hanukkah season.

Love for Give light

Here's what various participants in Chicago had to say about Give Light:

"I’m Dana and I’m 32 years old. Participating in Give Light tonight makes me really think about how I want to end this year and go into the next one. It helped give me perspective and get excited for new adventurous opportunities and challenges."

"My name 'Karen' actually means ‘light’, so seeing this Give Light Hanukkah initiative just kind of strengthened within me that I should live up to the meaning of my name, giving light to people. So, I wrote that I want to treat all people as cheerfully as I would a sick friend, with kindness and love. That’s how I plan on giving light. "

"Just added to the Give Light board and it was a meaningful reflection of the embodiment of light during this holiday season and how we can make a connection directly to the light within ourselves. I feel that is a meaningful reflection and to reflect on how I can give this season. I posted 'compassion', something that I’m working with in my professional work recently and also personal relationships - just to be more of a presence of compassion with other people who I work with or friends, loved ones, and others. I’m glad to make that connection in a Jewish context this Hanukkah season. Thanks for the opportunity to do that."

Give Light will be back. Stay in touch by signing up for our newsletter for updates on more programming in the future. 

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