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Founded in 2002, Reboot engages and inspires young, Jewishly-unconnected cultural creatives, innovators and thought-leaders who, through their candid and introspective conversations and collaboration, generate projects that impact both the Jewish and non-Jewish worlds. 


In Quarantine - Episode 6

Brina Milikowsky Supports Mail Privilege

Voting Rights Lab co-founder Brina Milikowsky is making sure you don't have to risk getting 'rona just to vote this fall.

Voting Rights Lab co-founder Brina Milikowsky is making sure you don't have to risk getting 'rona just to vote this fall. To learn more about how states are adapting their election systems in response to the COVID-19 pandemic visit


Brina Milikowsky is a political strategist and social entrepreneur who advises progressive organizations and major donors on strategic planning, legislative and ballot initiative campaigns, and organizational development. She is a founder of the Voting Rights Lab, a post-partisan organization defending equitable voting access for all Americans by building and supporting winning state legislative campaigns. From 2014-2017, Brina served as the Chief Strategy Officer at Everytown for Gun Safety, the nation's largest gun violence prevention advocacy organization, founded by Mike Bloomberg. During her tenure, Brina helped transform the organization from a coalition of mayors and policy advisors to a national advocacy organization built to go toe-to-toe with the gun lobby, with 125 staff members, 3 million grassroots members active in all 50 states, and a demonstrated track record of winning bipartisan legislative and ballot initiative campaigns to strengthen gun laws around the country. From 2010-2013, she was Senior Policy Advisor and Counsel in the NYC Mayor's Office. Prior to City Hall, Brina worked for a D.C-based legal advocacy organization, was policy director on a Congressional campaign, clerked for a federal judge, and worked as a litigation associate at a New York City law firm. She is a graduate of Harvard University and New York University School of Law, where she was an Arthur Garfield Hays Fellow in Civil Liberties, and in 2013 she was named one of Crain's New York 40 Under Forty. She currently serves as Chair of the Board of Directors of NARAL Pro-Choice America.

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Steve Bodow is an American television writer and producer. Most recently he was Executive Producer and showrunner of Netflix's Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj. From 2015 to March 2019 he was Executive Producer of The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, following his 13 years at The Daily Show with Jon Stewart as an Executive Producer, Head Writer and staff writer. He was also Consulting Producer for The Opposition with Jordan Klepper, after serving as EP on the hour-long Jordan Klepper Solves Guns special.

Bodow is a founding member and a past artistic director of the New York theater group Elevator Repair Service, best known for Gatz, its full-text adaptation of The Great Gatsby.

Before joining The Daily Show in 2002, Bodow was a journalist for Wired, New York Magazine, Salon and the New York Times Magazine. He grew up in Rye, NY, graduating Rye High School, Yale University, and NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program. While at Yale, Bodow co-founded the improv group Just Add Water.

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